Private Prescriptions

A quick, simple guide to ordering your private prescriptions online:

Prescription basket

Contact our customer service team to get a quote. They can be contacted by either email at: or by phone on: 0808 164 3211.

Prescription order

If you are happy to process the order, complete your order with our secure online payment process.

Prescription basket

Send us your original prescription using the freepost address provided. Photocopies cannot be accepted or arrange for your electronic prescription to be sent to us with your GP. Ask your GP to search for Leedale Pharmacy. (England Only)

Prescription order

Once we have received and checked your prescription we will send your order out to you by post. Our customer care team is on hand to answer questions you may have relating to your prescription. They can be contacted by either email at: or by phone on: 0808 164 3211.