5 star reviews for Forceval Capsules Pack of 90

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Steve - Hemel Hempstead on 18/02/2024

I had a gastric bypass operation (which was very successful) but I was warned my absorption of vitamins would be compromised and so needed around 4 or 5x RDA of vital vitamins to compensate for the loss of my small bowel. I had some medical-grade vitamin supplements provided by my private hospital, but after those ran out I found Forceval is the only affordable vitamin product which gives this level of "over" provision. I have used Forceval for 8 years now and don't have any health problems, so I guess it works. This may be TMI but it's obvious when I've run out of Forceval as my poo goes more light brown clay-like which points to a lack of iron absorption.

Verified purchase 10/02/2023 |

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