Nicorette® Microtab 2mg Nicotine 100 Sublingual Tablets (Stop Smoking Aid)

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Use: Nicorette® Microtab is for the relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms as an aid to giving up smoking. It is used to help smokers ready to stop smoking immediately and also to help smokers who need to cut down their cigarette use before stopping.

Nicorette Microtab sublingual tablet contains Nicotine. Stop smoking Aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label.


How to use Nicorette Microtab

Place the microtab under your tongue. Allow it to slowly dissolve. This will release nicotine, which you will absorb through the lining of your mouth.

Nicorette Microtab should NOT be chewed or swallowed.

The number of Nicorette Microtabs you use each day will depend on how many cigarettes you smoked and how strong they were.

Children under 12 years

Do not give this product to children under 12 years.

Adults and Children 12 years and over

  • 20 cigarettes or fewer One microtab to be taken every hour.
  • More than 20 cigarettes Two microtabs to be taken every hour.

Most people take between 8 to 24 microtabs per day.

Do not take more than 40 microtabs per day.

Do not exceed stated dose.

Children aged 12 and up to 18 years should not use for longer than 12 weeks in total without asking for help and advice from a doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Adults aged 18 years and over should not use for more than 9 months in total without asking for help and advice from a doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

How to stop smoking: your choice

Because smoking is an addiction you may find it difficult to give up. From time to time you may still have strong urges to smoke but if you follow these recommendations, you have a good chance of quitting.

Some people may find it easier to set a date to quit and stop smoking immediately.

Others who are unable or not ready to stop smoking abruptly, may benefit from gradually reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke each day until they feel ready to stop completely.

If you are an adult you can follow either one of these options. However children should follow the guide to stopping immediately as the recommended duration of nicotine replacement therapy in children is 12 weeks maximum. The only time children should stop gradually is if they are having a problem stopping immediately and they should talk to their doctor, nurse or pharmacist beforehand.

If you find it hard to stop using Nicorette Microtabs, you are worried that you will start smoking again without them or you find it difficult to reduce the number of Nicorette Microtabs you are using, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. Remember Nicorette Microtabs are not intended as a substitute for smoking, they are an aid to give up.

Use one of the two options which follow.

Stopping Immediately

The idea is to stop smoking immediately and use the microtabs to relieve the cravings to smoke.

After achieving this you then stop using the microtabs.

There is a difference in how you stop depending on whether you are aged between 12 -18 years or 18 years and over. Make sure you follow the instructions for the age range applicable to you.

Adults 18 years and over

Step 1: Set a date to quit and stop smoking cigarettes.

Step 2: Use 1 or 2 microtabs every hour to relieve your cravings.  Use the microtabs for up to 12 weeks (3 months) to relieve your cravings to smoke.

Step 3: Start reducing the number of tablets you use each day.

Once you reach only one or two tablets each day you should try to stop completely.

If you need to use the microtabs for longer than a total of 9 months, ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.

You might feel a sudden craving to smoke long after you have given up smoking and stopped using the Nicorette Microtabs.

Remember you can use nicotine replacement therapy again if this should happen.

Stopping Gradually

The idea is to start gradually replacing some of your cigarettes with the microtabs. After achieving this you then give up cigarettes completely while using the microtabs. Finally you give up using the microtabs.

There is a difference in how you stop depending on whether you are aged between 12 -18 years or 18 years and over. Make sure you follow the instructions for the age range applicable to you.

Adults 18 years and over

See the following diagram which shows the basic step by step process. The time given for steps 2 and 3 are the longest it  should take, and you should try to achieve your move to the next step in the shortest time possible.

Step 1: Work out how many cigarettes you smoke per day. Set a date to start reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Step 2: Start reducing. Over the next few months, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by using 1 or 2 Nicorette Microtabs every hour to relieve your cravings.  If after 6 weeks you have not reduced the number of cigarettes you smoke, ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.  You should aim to stop smoking completely by six months from the beginning of treatment.

Step 3: Stop smoking. Cut out all cigarettes and continue using the microtabs for up to 3 months to relieve your cravings to smoke.

Step 4: Start reducing the use of the microtabs.

You should try to use fewer microtabs each day. When you are using only one or two microtabs per day, you should stop completely.

If you need to use the product for longer than 9 months, ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.

You might feel a sudden craving to smoke long after you have given up smoking and stopped using Nicorette Microtabs.

Remember you can use nicotine replacement therapy again if this should happen.

Children aged 12 years and over

Children should follow the guide to stopping immediately. The recommended duration of nicotine replacement therapy in children is 12 weeks maximum. The only time children should stop gradually is if they are having a problem stopping immediately. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before attempting to stop gradually.



Do not use Nicorette Microtab if you have an allergy to nicotine or any of the other ingredients.

Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if:

- you are pregnant or breast-feeding – you may be able to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help you give up smoking but you should try to give up without it.

- if you are in hospital because of heart disease (including heart attack, disorders of heart rate or rhythm, or stroke).  In other heart conditions not requiring you to be in hospital, using NRT is better than continuing to smoke.

- if you have a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, inflammation of the stomach or inflammation of the oesophagus (passage between the mouth and stomach).

- if you have liver or kidney disease.

- if you have an overactive thyroid gland or have a phaeochromocytoma (a tumour of the adrenal gland that can affect blood pressure) – your doctor will have told you this.

- if you have diabetes – monitor your blood sugar levels more often when starting to use Nicorette Microtab as you may find your insulin or medication requirements alter.

- if you are taking other medicines such as theophylline, clozapine or ropinirole. Stopping smoking or cutting down may require the dose of these medicines to be adjusted.

If any of these applies, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding

If you are pregnant: ideally, you should try to give up smoking without NRT. If you can’t manage this, you can use NRT as the risks to your baby are far less than smoking, however you should talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.

Products that are used intermittently, including Nicorette Microtab, may be preferable to nicotine patches. However, patches may be more suitable if you have nausea or sickness. If you do use patches take them off before going to bed at night.

If you are breast-feeding: ideally, you should try to give up smoking without NRT. If you can’t manage this you are best to use NRT products that are taken intermittently (not patches), however you should talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist for advice.

Breast-feed just before you use Nicorette Microtab to make sure that the baby gets the smallest amount of nicotine possible.

If you do need to use NRT to help you quit, the amount of nicotine that the baby may receive is considerably smaller and less harmful than the second-hand smoke they would inhale if you smoked. Tobacco smoke produces breathing and other problems in babies and children.

 If you have used more than the recommended number of Nicorette Microtabs you may experience nausea, salivation, pain in your abdomen, diarrhoea, sweating, headache, dizziness, hearing disturbance or weakness.

If you do get any of these effects contact a doctor or your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department immediately. Take the leaflet and the pack with you.

Contact a doctor or your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department immediately if a child under 12 years uses, chews, sucks or swallows a Nicorette Microtab.  Again, take the leaflet and the pack with you.

Nicotine ingestion by a child may result in severe poisoning.

Possible side-effects

Like all medicines, Nicorette Microtab can have side-effects. As many of the effects are due to nicotine, they can also occur when nicotine is obtained by smoking.

Effects related to stopping smoking (nicotine withdrawal)

You may experience unwanted effects because by stopping smoking you have reduced the amount of nicotine you are taking. You may also experience these effects if you use too few Nicorette Microtabs before you are ready to reduce your nicotine intake.

These effects include:

- irritability or aggression

- feeling low

- anxiety

- restlessness

- poor concentration

- increased appetite or weight gain

- urges to smoke (craving)

- night time awakening or sleep disturbance

- lowering of heart rate

Effects of too much nicotine

You may also get these effects if you are not used to inhaling tobacco smoke.

These effects include:

- feeling faint

- feeling sick (nausea)

- headache

Side-effects of Nicorette Microtab

Common side-effects:

(less than 1 in every 10 people are affected)

- headache

- dizziness

- chest palpitations

- cough

- stomach discomfort

- hiccups

- feeling sick (nausea)

- sore mouth or throat

- nasal irritation

- dry mouth

- burning sensation in the mouth

Rare side-effects:

(less than 1 in 1,000 people are affected)

- Allergic reaction (swelling of the mouth, lips, throat and tongue, itching of the skin, swelling of the skin, ulceration and inflammation of the lining of the mouth).

Very rare side-effects:

(less than 1 in 10,000 people are affected)

- Abnormal beating of the heart

If you notice these or any other unwanted effects not listed in this leaflet tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

When you stop smoking you may also develop mouth ulcers. The reason why this happens is unknown.

Keep Nicorette Microtab out of the reach and sight of children and animals. Nicotine in high doses can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal if taken by small children.

Do not store Nicorette Microtab above 25°C.

Do not use Nicorette Microtab after the ‘Use before’ date shown on the carton or blister.

Dispose of any unused Nicorette Microtab sensibly.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required.

These measures will help to protect the environment.



The active ingredient is: Nicotine.

Other ingredients are: ß-cyclodextrin, crospovidone, colloidal silica and magnesium stearate.


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