General Vacancies

Weldricks Staff

Pharmacy Assistant - Tickhill

Salary: £6.40 to £11.40
Hours: 24 hours
Reference: PA/TIC/24
Closing date: 09/05/2024

Trainee Accuracy Checking Assistant

Salary: £8.60 to £11.44
Hours: 40 hours
Reference: TACA/LEE/40
Closing date: 15/05/2024

Learning & Development Admin Assistant - Branch Service Centre Doncaster

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 16 hours
Reference: LD/AA/16
Closing date: 16/05/2024

Saturday Pharmacy Assistant - Lodge Moor

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 4 hours
Reference: SPA/LOD/4
Closing date: 30/05/2024

Saturday Pharmacy Assistant - Bawtry

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 7.5 hours
Reference: SPA/BAW/7.5
Closing date: 30/05/2024

Pharmacy Assistant - Scunthorpe Frodingham Road

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 20 hours
Reference: PA/SFR/20
Closing date: 30/05/2024

Pharmacy Assistant - Hatfield

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 24 hours
Reference: PA/Hat/24
Closing date: 30/05/2024

Pharmacy Assistant - Royston Midland Road

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 40 hours
Reference: PA/RMR/40
Closing date: 30/05/2024

Pharmacy Assistant - Stainforth

Salary: £6.40 to £11.44
Hours: 18 hours
Reference: PA/STA/18
Closing date: 06/06/2024

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Student programs for August 2024 now available!

At Weldricks we believe being a student is about more than just gaining a qualification. Our roles are designed to support you and give you the tools to succeed in business and prosper in your future career.