Adaptil Calm Diffuser Refill Pack

Adaptil Calm Diffuser Refill Pack


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What is DAP?

DAP is Dog Appeasing Pheromone.

DAP is a synthetic copy of the natural canine appeasing pheromone  proven to help support dogs in a range of stressful situations.

DAP is canine specific, odourless, non-sedative, non-systemic and can be used alongside all other types of medication.

The efficacy of DAP has been demonstrated in 18 studies published in scientific journals and at veterinary conferences around the world.

For puppies - DAP is shown to help puppies settle in a new home and to have significant positive effects on puppy socialisation .  Fitting a DAP collar to puppies from 6-16 weeks helps puppies develop into confident, well-behaved adult dogs and significantly reduces the likelihood of anxiety-related conditions developing in later life.

For adult dogs - DAP has also been shown to help dogs cope in kennels ,  during rehoming  and in a range of other stressful situations such as during firework  exposure and car travel.

DAP has been used by behaviourists, veterinary experts and welfare charities for the last 10 years.

DAP is available in three easy to use formulations and can be used in the following situations:

Help promote learning during training and socialisation

Help puppies or adult dogs settle in new homes

Help dogs to cope with challenging situations such as: 


  • staying in kennels
  • staying home alone
  • fireworks
  • visiting the vet
  • travelling
  • Christmas
  • New Baby


What are 'appeasing pheromones'?

DAP stands for Dog Appeasing Pheromone.

The ‘appeasing pheromone’ is naturally released by all lactating mammals to comfort and reassure their offspring.

In dogs, the canine appeasing pheromone has not only been shown to help puppies, but also to have a comforting influence on adults dogs helping them to be more resilient and cope appropriately with change.

How to use DAP will depend on the situation your dog is faced with and/or the behaviour they are exhibiting.

The DAP Diffuser is a discrete plug-in which bathes the home in a synthetic copy of the ‘canine appeasing pheromone ’, a natural product proven to comfort both puppies and adult dogs. Releasing the comforting pheromones into the local enivonment.

The diffuser covers an area of 50-70m2 with each vial lasting up to 4 weeks. The diffuser should be plugged into the room where the dog spends most of its time. DAP Refills can be purchased and replaced as required, upto 5 refills may be used before replacing the unit.

The DAP Diffuser may be used alongside the DAP Collar or DAP Spray.

DAP Spray  can be sprayed directly on bedding, inside crates, indoor kennels, or in the car. It is a convenient formulation for intermittent use.  Spray 8 to 10 pumps of DAP 15 minutes prior to expected effects and before the dog is introduced into the environment (car, carrier, kennel etc…). Effects should last approximately 2-3 hours, although each animal will respond differently. Renew application after this time or if you notice a reduced effect. DAP Spray should not be directly sprayed on animals or near an animal’s face.

When the DAP collar  is in snug contact with the dog’s skin, the dog’s body temperature warms the collar and encourages the diffusion of pheromones into the local environment. As a result, it is vital the DAP collar is in close contact with the dog’s skin at all times. Two sizes of collar are available for puppy/small dogs (fits neck up to 37.5cm) and medium/large dogs (fits neck up to 62.5cm).  Each collar lasts 4 weeks and can be replaced as required.




How to use DAP Spray?

Spray 8 to 10 pumps of DAP 15 minutes prior to expected effects and before the dog is introduced into the environment (car, carrier, kennel etc…). Effects should last approximately 1½ to 2 hours, although each animal will respond differently. Renew application after this time or if you notice a reduced effect.

DAP Spray can be sprayed directly on bedding, inside crates, indoor kennels, or in the car. DAP Spray should not be directly sprayed on animals or near an animal’s face.

How to use a DAP collar?

  • Pass the end through the loop and pass the loop over the head
  • Fasten the collar around the dog's neck and adjust to fit snugly
  • Cut off the excess portion of the collar
  • Leave the collar around the dog's neck at all times. Check to make sure it remains snug.
  • The effect of the collar lasts for up to 4 weeks

How to fit a DAP collar


  • Pass the loop through the end
  • Pass the loop over the head
  • Adjust to fit snugly and trim excess if necessary
  • Check the collar at regular intervals. It must remain snuggly against the dog's neck.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does a DAP collar work?

When the DAP collar is in contact with the dog’s skin, the dog’s body temperature warms the collar and encourages the diffusion of pheromones into the local environment. As a result, it is vital the DAP collar is in close contact with the dog’s skin at all times.

Can I shampoo my dog while wearing the collar?

It is advisable to remove the collar before shampooing or giving a bath to your dog. Do not worry if the collar gets wet during a walk. This will not affect the efficiency. However, the collar will not work whilst wet.

Can I use a DAP diffuser with a bird or aquarium?

The general rule of thumb is that if a bird can handle wax-based non-scented candles, there shouldn't be a problem (the diffuser is a wax-based paraffin oil, similar to a candle, and it is odorless).

However, as some birds are known to have sensitive respiratory systems therefore it is recommended not to plug the diffuser in the same room.

Similarly it is advised not to plug it in a room containing an aquarium.

Can I use the DAP collar together with other collars or bandanas?

Whilst other collars will not impair the effectiveness of the DAP collar, it is important to ensure that the DAP collar remains in close contact with the skin and is not covered by the other collar or bandana. If the DAP collar is covered or if the DAP collar is not in continuous contact with the dog’s skin, the release of the pheromone may be compromised and the positive influence on your dog reduced.

Can I use the DAP refill in the Feliway® Diffuser device?

Yes the device is the same, although they should never be used in any other plug in device such as an air freshener.

Can I use the collar intermittently when needed?

It is advised to leave the collar around the dog’s neck at all times for one month once opened. Your dog will benefit by constantly being exposed to the pheromones. If you remove the collar, the pheromones will still be released at a lower rate (even when kept at a low temperature i.e. in the refrigerator) and the efficiency of the collar may be affected. There are other forms of DAP which are more suitable for intermittent use such as the DAP Spray.

Can the DAP Diffuser be used in the same room as a plug-in air freshener and/or a Feliway® Diffuser?

Yes, but it is not recommend that they are plugged in the same power point.

Can the liquid from the DAP Spray be used in the DAP Diffuser?

No - the DAP Spray is alcohol based and should never be used in the DAP Diffuser.

Can you use a DAP diffuser if you suffer from asthma?

In addition to the pheromone content, a DAP Diffuser contains a paraffin-type mineral oil of a kind common to air freshener devices. We are not aware of specific problems for asthma sufferers from such devices, however if you consider yourself to be particularly sensitive, or have had problems when using similar devices in the past, then we advise you to use the device only after consulting your GP or use the DAP Collar or Spray as an alternative.

Do I need to change the diffuser refill even though the liquid has not completely run out?

Some devices will run for a little longer than the 4 weeks due to differences in location, air turnover, etc so you may get slightly more than 4 weeks. But remember that the device will never empty completely as the last few milliliters of liquid are not sufficiently in contact with the wick. It is therefore recommended to replace the refill after 4 weeks.

For how long should the DAP collar be used?

It depends on the nature of the problem for which your veterinary surgeon advised the use of a DAP collar.

For puppy adaptation, you should expect a smooth settlement in your home as well as positive experiences for the duration of the socialisation period.

For other uses, it may take some time before you see an improvement, depending on the nature and severity of the problem. Some dogs may be more affected than others and may need a long term therapy programme.

How long should I use DAP?

It depends on the nature and the extent of the reason you are using DAP. 

However, if your dog is undergoing behavioural therapy, your veterinary surgeon or behaviour counsellor may adapt the duration of use to your dog’s specific case.

How long should it take to see an effect on my dog?

The DAP Diffuser will be fully functioning within 24 hours of plugging in. The effect on the dog will depend on the nature and extent of the problem for which DAP is used. It is advised to continue using DAP for at least one month before assessing its effectiveness.

How long will it take for the DAP collar to exert an effect on my dog?

As soon as the collar is fitted the pheromones will begin to be released and to exert an effect on your dog.

How long will the collar be effective?

The collar will be effective for up to 4 weeks. After this time, and according to your veterinary surgeons recommendation, you may need to renew the collar.

How long will the effect of the DAP Spray product last?

The effect of the product will last 2-3 hours.

How many refills can be used before replacing the electrical device?

Six refills can be used before replacing the plug in device.

 In which situations can I use DAP Spray?

DAP Spray helps comfort puppies and adult dogs in situations they may find worrying or which make them apprehensive. 

The spray can be used for events both inside and outside the home, such as:

  • Travelling in the car
  • Adjusting to a new environment (new home, strangers, shelters)
  • Visiting the vet, hospitalisation
  • Novel & unpredictable situations


In which situations can I use a DAP Diffuser?

DAP will help dogs in a range of stressful situations:

DAP can:

  • Help dogs to cope with challenging situations (fireworks, Christmas, new baby, staying home alone etc).
  • Help puppies or adult dogs settle in new homes.
  • Help prevent or reduce stress-related inappropriate behaviours - these may include excessive barking, destruction/chewing, house soiling, pacing, trembling, salivating etc. Re-training may be required to eliminate unwanted behaviours.
  • Help promote learning during indoor puppy classes.


DAP can also be used under direction from a vet or behaviourist and alongside training to help in the management of clinical behaviour problems such as separation anxiety, noise phobia, etc.

DAP is not recommended for use in cases of hyperactivity or aggression.

Is DAP safe to use if you are pregnant?

Yes, DAP is safe to use if you are pregnant.

Is the DAP collar as effective in adult dogs as it is in puppies?

Research has clearly shown that the reassuring properties of canine appeasing pheromones persist into adulthood.

Is the DAP diffuser device safe?

The DAP Diffuser device is made in the EC to comply with British Standard BS 60335. The device is widely used across Europe for plug-in air fresheners, mosquito coils, etc.

Should I switch the diffuser off at night?

No - the diffuser should be left on continuously day and night.

The diffuser smells of burning - is it safe?

New diffusers may smell slightly for the first 24 hours, just as an electrical heater might when dust has collected on it. Diffusers in a very dusty environment may smell more persistently. Be sure that a dog or cat has not urinated onto the device. If the device is used continuously for long periods of time, we recommend that is changed every 6 mouths.

The level of liquid in my DAP diffuser appears not to be going down?

The diffusion of the liquid from the DAP Diffuser is a very slow process. 

As such, it can be very difficult to see any change to the level in the device over the first week of use. 

Slight variations will occur depending on air turnover. Check that the wick is not broken (it should extend from the bottom of the liquid to a level flush with the top of the heated ceramic plate). Check the device is turned on all the time. Finally, try the device in a different electrical socket. 

If in doubt please contact us directly.

What are pheromones?

Pheromones are extremely widespread in the animal kingdom and are used to communicate between members of the same species. The pheromones emitted by one individual can affect and change the behaviour of other individuals of the same species. Examples of pheromones with which pet owners will already be familiar are the sex pheromones of dogs and cats. In addition to making the bitch or queen more attractive to the male when they are in season, they can also influence territorial marking, aggression, etc...

What happens if my dog eats the collar?

Like some other collars, the DAP collar is made of plastic and will act as a foreign body in your dog’s digestive system. Please consult your veterinary surgeon if the dog has eaten a portion of the collar. There are, however, no toxic substances in the collar.

What pheromone is in DAP and is this safe to humans and other pets?

The pheromone in DAP is identical in nature to canine appeasing pheromone secreted by bitches from 3-5 days after the puppy’s birth. As pheromones are species-specific, canine pheromones will have no effect on humans or other pets.

What type of behaviour problems will not be helped by DAP?

If the behaviour is unrelated to stress i.e. over-excitement, aggression, lack of toilet training, hyperactivity or boredom, DAP will have no effect.

Where should I plug in the DAP Diffuser? How long will it last?

You should plug the diffuser in the room where the dog spends most of its time. A diffuser should cover an area of 50 to 70m², but must not be covered, placed behind a door or underneath furniture.

One vial lasts approximately four weeks. Dont forget you can register online for our free reminder service.

Why should I not plug the diffuser in under furniture?

Oil vapour (carrying the pheromones) will rise in a column of warm air above the device. If this rising air is blocked (e.g. under a shelf, table, cabinet, etc) the oil may re-condense and leave a visible mark. Circulation of the pheromone will be impaired and the efficacy of the product may be affected.

Will DAP have any effect on other pets?

Pheromones are species specific and no effect on other pets is to be expected.

Will other dogs in the house be affected by a DAP collar worn on one dog?

No, the pheromone is diffused in the immediate vicinity of the dog wearing the DAP collar. However, it is recommended that all dogs in the household wear a DAP collar, as the dogs without behaviour problems may become too interested in the dog that needs the collar.

Alternatively, a DAP diffuser may be used in multi-dog households.


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