Nicotinell 1mg Lozenge Mint Pack of 144

Save: £4.62 (RRP: £23.81)

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Nicotinell Lozenges are a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

NRT products can be used to relieve withdrawal symptoms and reduce the cravings for nicotine that you get when you try to stop smoking, or when you are cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke while trying to stop smoking.

To help cut down or quit smoking you should also try to use a behavioural support programme to increase your chances of success.

Nicotinell 1mg lozenges are for smokers smoking less than 20 cigarettes per day. It can also be used by smokers smoking between 20 and 30 cigarettes per day depending on your preference.  

Nicotinell 2mg lozenges are for smokers smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day.

Helpful tips on giving up

You may have tried to stop smoking before and you know from bitter experience that it’s not easy to give up cigarettes.

However, you have now taken the first constructive step towards becoming a non-smoker.

In overcoming your tobacco dependence you will have to tackle two problems:

Your smoking habit.Your addiction to nicotine.


The overriding success factor in quitting is how determined you are. The first few weeks of quitting or reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke will probably be the most difficult because your smoking ritual is still fresh in your mind.

However, you will find that as time goes by, your willpower becomes stronger. Telling friends, family and work colleagues that you have quit smoking and that you envisage a tough time ahead will encourage them to support you.

Pick the right day

There is never a perfect time to give up smoking, but you should plan ahead by choosing a date in the not too distant future on which you are going to give up cigarettes completely, or start reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke. Try to pick a day when you will not be too stressed.

Break your routine

For a number of years you will have become accustomed to smoking at certain times, with particular people or in certain situations. Think about the times you will miss smoking the most and plan how you will cope on these occasions.

Changing your routine will help you break the habit of smoking.

Quit with a friend

Quitting with a fellow smoker is a good idea. It will strengthen your resolve and build on your determination.

Encourage a friend or family member to quit with you. It will give your morale a boost since there will be another person   knowing exactly what you’re feeling and with whom you can share your resolve to quit smoking.

Remove any temptation

To help yourself succeed be sure to remove all cigarettes, matches, lighters etc. from your home, car and work. Ask your friends and colleagues not to offer you cigarettes or smoke close by you but be careful not to offend them. Explain that you have given up. This type of support from friends is of greatest benefit for the first couple of weeks of quitting, as this is your most vulnerable time. The last thing you want is a cigarette close at hand in a moment of weakness.

Take one day at a time

When you reach your Quit Day, don’t allow yourself to think that you’re quitting for good.

That will make it seem like a superhuman task.

Just promise yourself “I won’t have a cigarette today” and take it one day at a time. You’ll be surprised how much that little thought helps.

Distract yourself

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke coming on, distract yourself by keeping active. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Get up and do something. Do that job around the house or garden that you’ve been putting off or take up a hobby.

Remember that the craving only lasts a few minutes.

Learn to relax

Once you have stopped smoking, taking exercise regularly will not only help you get fitter but will encourage you to relax. Exercise has the ability to relieve stress and tension. Taken regularly it will benefit you physically and psychologically.

If you haven’t exercised for some time, take it slowly to begin with and increase the amount of time spent exercising over the course of a few weeks. Not only will exercising help you relax but it also helps to keep your weight under control, which some people find a problem when quitting.

Think cash not ash

One of the really noticeable benefits of ‘stopping’ is the extra cash that’s suddenly available. To emphasise the point put the money into a pot marked ‘cash not ash’ and watch it accumulate.  But be sure to use the money to treat yourself.  You deserve a reward for not smoking.

Dealing with relapses

You might find that in times of stress, reaching for a cigarette is the only thing that will help you through. There may also be certain situations – particularly social situations such as a party – where temptation just gets the better of you, so you smoke one or two cigarettes. You might feel that your only option is to go back to smoking.

Don’t think of it as having failed, just think through the reasons why you wanted to quit in the first place and don’t let those couple of cigarettes get the better of you. Refer back to your plan and start again. You can beat it!

If you don’t succeed

Giving up is more difficult for some people than others.  If you fail to stop first time, don’t be disheartened.  Try again at a later date – you can do it!

Remember the most successful long term ex-smokers have usually had to try several times to stop smoking – if you don’t succeed – quit quit again.


For adults over 18 years of age.

You must not smoke whilst using these lozenges.

Suck 1 lozenge when you feel the urge to smoke but initially try to use no more than 1 lozenge every 1 – 2 hours.

This product is designed to be sucked slowly, do not swallow or chew. These lozenges should not be sucked like normal lozenges. Read the Nicotinell sucking technique in the enclosed leaflet carefully before use.

Only use 1 lozenge at a time and do not use more than 30 in one day.



Do not use if you:

  • Are a non-smoker
  • Are allergic to any of the ingredients

Consult you doctor, nurse or pharmacist before starting to use these lozenges if you:

  • Are under 18 years of age
  • Have any serious heart disease
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are under a doctors care or taking prescribed medication


Do not exceed the stated dose

Keep all medicines out of reach and sight of children



Nicotinell mint flavour 1mg lozenge contain 1mg of nicotine

Nicotinell mint flavour 2mg lozenge contain 2mg of nicotine

Also contain: aspartame (E951, a source of phenylalanine), Malitol (E965), sodium carbonate anhydrous, sodium hydrogen carbonate, polyacrylate dispersion, Xanthan gum, colloidal anhydrous silica, Levomenthol, peppermint oil, magnesium stearate.

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